GVEST History
In 2000, the Georgia Department of Education introduced a new conference and called it Georgia Vision Educators Statewide Training, or GVEST. In 2023 it became a conference subcommittee of the Georgia Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired. Through collaboration with multiple agencies dedicated to serving individuals with visual impairments, GVEST offers professional development training focused on the needs of this population. GVEST provides an opportunity for Georgia's educators and professionals who serve individuals with visual impairments to have specialized training and to share effective practices and strategies specific to the needs of individuals with visual impairments of all ages. The annual GVEST conference takes place in Macon Georgia each October and provides workshops led by experts in the field of blindness and offers both ACVREP and CRC credit.
GVEST Conference Planning Committee
GVEST would like to gratefully acknowledge the members of the conference planning committee for their support and assistance in the planning and implementation of the GVEST conference.
Tara Bowie GVEST Committee Chair, Outreach Education Program Specialist Smokey Powell Center Georgia Academy for the Blind |
Sarah Bussey Southeast Region Vision/O&M Services Coordinator Allied Instructional Service; GaAER Immediate Past President |
Sharon Lyttle |
Carmen Willings |